ICHSL – International Conference on Human System Learning
Dedicated website: ichsl.net
Human System Learning International Conferences are organized as a cross-platform for the study and analysis of the latest research and developments issues related to Human System Learning. What makes this conference unique is the interaction of different disciplines with regard to their approaches, methods and techniques for the application of advanced technologies in Learning areas. Specifics of disciplines are not only the subject of the conference but serve as cases. Cross-platform discussions and interactions help to enhance the scope of those technologies beyond their existing application limits. Furthermore, ICHSL conferences seek a discussion of terms and conditions for introducing new concepts and tools (offered by the latest research and developments results) and new strategies (required by the inevitable changes of the professional and educational working environments).
Latest edition
ICHSL.9 – Alternative Learning Systems
Conference co-sponsored by IEEE SMCS Society
June, 11-13, 2014 – Cotonou, Benin, West Africa
Nowadays and more than ever, learning and teaching paradigms look to tightly depend on the advances in various information and communication technological (ICT) domains such as: e-learning, distance learning, machine learning, HCI, social networking, augmented reality, virtual reality, serious game, cloud computing, crowd sourcing, …
Considering, as fact, the use of information and communication spaces and tools, has allowed practitioners, researchers and users to re-debate and to re-question some dogmatic phenomenon’s involved in teaching and/or learning process. ICT protocols have also changed interrelations and distances between learning and teaching systems. The nonstop using of ICT has led to the emergence of some unforeseen Alternative Learning Systems. Alternative Learning System could be considered in this conference as the in progress learning hybrid space that includes innovative approaches related to knowledge transferring, acquisition and discovering.
The 9th international conference on human system learning will be focused mainly on advances and experiences related to alternative learning systems design.
Previous editions
ICHSL.8 – Augmented learning: corporality, interference and temporality in knowledge acquisition and transmission
December, 4th & 5th 2012 – Paris, France
ICHSL.8 is interested in questioning, modeling and describing the environments (systems), the technical factors as well as the practices that take part during training and learning activities. By taking into account that intelligence is shared between the learners and the teaching devices, it is thus possible to consider that both human and learning media can be considered as “learner”.
Learning Media could afford, within a social organization, the management and identification of cognitive skills, in the sense where multiple informational phenomena with their context, expressiveness and purposes have to be taken into account. According to various theoretical approaches and analysis of e-learning and remote training systems, ICHSL.8 is keen to study role and impact of augmented/mixed reality environments into those “complex systems of training. The “augmented reality” concept appears to be closer to a “physical” world than a virtual one as it is conditioned by users’ physical actions, actions that translate an effect, a modification or a contribution to the underlying communication system of augmented learning. An augmented learning system is seen here as a mediator combining mutualy physical (traditional) and virtual (digital) information within a learning session (for teachers and learners).
ICHSL.8 focuses on the following topics:
- New learning spaces: augmented classroom
- Spatio-temporality of learning and the “augmented” training: roles and impacts of ICT on the perception of time
- Human-technology interferences during knowledge acquisition process
- Embodiment of information, knowledge and know-how: “body discourses” in augmented interactions
- Cognitive and Corporal Personalization of learning processes
ICHSL.7 – Jeux – Apprentissages / Personnes – Systèmes
14 et 15 décembre 2011 – Paris, France
Mieux comprendre la dimension ludique de l’apprentissage en situation médiatisée permettrait d’une part de valider certaines initiatives techno-pédagogiques sur lesquelles il est nécessaire de faire le point, et, d’autre part, de mieux expliquer comment l’homme construit un savoir distinct dans l’interaction, avec d’autres mais aussi avec la multitude de systèmes imbriqués qui supportent, voir propulsent, ses capacités cognitive et métacognitive.
Cette dimension ludique que nous voulons explorer au cours de cette manifestation constitue un levier trop souvent informel dans l’organisation de l’enseignement supérieur ou dans la formation tout au long de la vie. L’animation d’une fonction ludique et récréative dans l’apprentissage relève trop souvent d’un savoir-être, voire d’un « art d’enseigner », qui ne saurait être conceptualisé. Or, cette conceptualisation est nécessaire dans le design d’interface et de supports d’information qui, indépendamment de la volonté des institutions prescriptives, sont aujourd’hui intrinsèquement liés aux pratiques des uns et des autres, des formateurs/enseignants dans la gestion de leur cours, de leur évaluation, et des apprenants au cours des activités distantes qui nourrissent leur travail personnel et alimentent leur style d’acquisition de connaissance. Les jeux dans l’acception large du terme, ont permis de faire évoluer par ailleurs la notion de distance, notamment grâce aux possibilités offertes par les technologies de l’information et de la communication qui ont successivement transformer les activités humaines ; comment qualifier les nouvelles propriétés de la « distance » en dehors de l’espace physique, arriverions-nous à la notion d’hyper-distance ?
ICHSL.6 – Common Innovation in e-Learning, Machine Learning and Humanoid
14-16 May, 2008 – Toulouse, France
What is learning? The Information Society is burgeoning and new technology is shifting educational, learning and training paradigms. Virtual Universities, Cyber-Classrooms, e-Learning, Wireless Based Learning, Humanoid Robots, Data Mining, Text Mining, Web Semantic, etc. may be cryptic catch phrases now but will be within the main learning and teaching norm in a very near future.
The sixth ICHSL observes that, Machine Learning, Humanoid (mainly Human Robot Interaction) and e-Learning system have in common a real complex challenge: What learning has become? Whether learning has to occur within Humans, Machines or Interactions between Humans and Machine, the process of learning is still perceived as complex. Learning context has shifted. Learning paradigms have shifted as well as learning Strategies. Learning environment has totally be changed as well as learning assessment, learning control, learning evolving, learning scheduling, etc. etc.
ICHSL.6 dares to bring up again this non ended question: What is learning into a very modern and dynamic hybrid environment.